About Me

I finally did what I’ve been saying I was going to do for years – I finally started my own true crime blog.

My interest in following true crime stories started when I was fairly young.  I remember coming home from playing outside one night to see my parents sitting by the TV, their eyes glued to a white Bronco driving down the freeway,  heavily pursued by police cars. I watched the OJ Simpson trial that followed, and in doing so, I had discovered what was then the CourtTV channel – a cable channel that analyzed different trials all day long (now known as In Session on TruTV).  Fast forward about 10 years, and I was going to college in San Diego, when a pregnant woman named Laci Peterson disappeared on Christmas Eve.  That story dominated the news and I, along with the rest of the country, was intrigued by her husband Scott’s behavior….the mistress, the lies…I just couldn’t understand how he could be responsible (he was later convicted and is currently sitting on death row) of killing his wife and unborn child, while continuing on with his daily life. 

A few years after that, I was on the social networking site Myspace, when I saw a bulletin posted by one of my friends about a missing girl from Rochester, Virginia.  I clicked on the link and it took me to the missing girl’s myspace page. Her name was Taylor Behl, and her page was littered with “Where are you” and “Please come home” messages that nearly broke my heart.  I did a little online research and soon found out that the main suspect had a Livejournal and was constantly updating it, even as the search for Taylor continued, sometimes even taunting those online lurkers who had stumbled across his blog the same way I had.  He later plead guilty, and is now sitting in prison. 

My plan with this blog is to spotlight different cases I follow, and to possibly bring more awareness to them. I have a particular passion for helping to find missing people, so missing persons cases may be blogged about a lot here.  This is my first blog, so I am going to moderate all comments in the beginning, until I get a feel for wht I might be dealing with. I do welcome all comments though, and please let me know if you know of any interesting cases you would like for me to write about. I am also open to guest bloggers. :)